S B -G M -B U R B /1 0 W 3 S T E A LT H B O X ™
F it s 9 2 -9 7 G M S u b u r b a n s , 8 8 -9 7 G M F u ll-
S iz e Tr u c k s , 9 2 -9 7 G M C Y u k o n s a n d C h e v y
Ta h o e s (2 a n d 4 D o o r M o d e ls )
In s t a lla t io n G u id e :
This Stealthbox is designed to mount between the front bucket seats, replacing the center console.
It is not designed for installation in vehicles with bench seats.
Please read this installation guide thoroughly before beginning the project. It will guide you step by
step through the process. This product requires professional installation skills and tools. We highly
recommend that an authorized J L AUDIO dealer performs the installation.
It is absolutely vital that the Stealthbox be properly mounted to the vehicle according to these instruc-
tions. Failure to mount the enclosure properly will result in
inferior bass performance and potential danger in the event of
a collision or sudden jolt to the vehicle.
STEP 1 : Remove the storage bin from the front portion of the
center console by gently prying it out. Save this piece for later
STEP 2 : Remove the inner storage bin from the console by
gently prying it out. Save this piece in the event that the
original console is ever reinstalled.
STEP 3 : Using a 1 0 mm socket, remove the two bolts that
hold the front console bracket to the floor.
S B -G M -B U R B /1 0 W 3
J L A U D IO , In c 2 0 0 1
P a g e
S h e e t S K U # 0 1 1 1 1 8 R e v is io n 5 /2 1 /0 1
STEP 1 0 : Remove the Stealthbox from the vehicle. There should be
clear impressions in the wax squares.
STEP 1 1 : Remove the bolts from the Stealthbox.
Before drilling check under the vehicle for any loos e wires , fuel lines or other hazards in the
areas where holes are to be drilled.
STEP 1 2 : Using the impressions in the wax squares as guides, drill a 1 / 2 " diameter hole through the floor
pan of the vehicle, using the impression in each wax square as a guide. Stop the drill immediately after
penetrating the metal.
STEP 1 3 : Remove the wax squares from the vehicle.
STEP 1 4 : Cut 1 " diameter holes in the carpet centered on the
1 / 2 " diameter holes you drilled in STEP 1 3 to allow the threaded
inserts in the Stealthbox to contact the metal floor pan.
STEP 1 5 : Run speaker wires to the Stealthbox mounting location, as shown. Be sure the wires will not be
pinched once the Stealthbox is bolted into position.
S B -G M -B U R B /1 0 W 3
J L A U D IO , In c 2 0 0 1
P a g e
S h e e t S K U # 0 1 1 1 1 8 R e v is io n 5 /2 1 /0 1
The top of the factory center cons ole is us ed as the top of the Stealthbox.
STEP 1 6 : Remove the lid of the console by removing the 4 torx
screws holding the lid to the console. The hinges should not be
removed from the lid.
STEP 1 7 : Remove the 8 torx screws that hold the two sections
of the console together. Separate the console.
The lower s ection of the cons ole will not be us ed. Save this
piece in the event the original cons ole is ever reins talled.
STEP 1 8 : Using four of the supplied pan head screws,attach the
four supplied "L" brackets to the top section of the console using
the factory screw holes, as shown.
STEP 1 9 : Using the
two supplied plastic
spacers and the four
screws previously
removed in STEP 1 7 ,
attach the lid to the top
section of the console.
The spacers should be
inserted between the
lid hinge and the top of
the console.
The cons ole top is now ready for ins tallation onto the
S B -G M -B U R B /1 0 W 3
J L A U D IO , In c 2 0 0 1
P a g e
S h e e t S K U # 0 1 1 1 1 8 R e v is io n 5 /2 1 /0 1
STEP 2 0 : Place the assembled top section of the console onto
the Stealthbox. Align it so that it is flush on all sides.
STEP 2 1 : W hile pressing down firmly and evenly on the top of
the console, mark the location of the mounting holes for all four of
the "L" brackets with a marker or felt tip pen. The lower hole in
each bracket should be used for mounting. The upper hole in each
bracket is unused.
pre-drilled the fiberglas s may crack and the warranty on the Stealthbox W ILL BE VOID.
STEP 2 2 : Using a 1 / 1 6 " drill bit, pre-drill the screw holes you
marked in STEP 2 2 . The holes should be 3 / 4 " deep.
STEP 2 3 : Mount the top section of the console to the Stealthbox
using four of the supplied pan head screws. Do not overtighten
the screws! We recommend installing these screws by hand to
lessen the chance of stripping the fiberglass.
STEP 2 4 : Under the front storage compartment lid, drill two holes
using a 1 / 1 6 " drill bit, as shown. The holes should be 3 / 4 " deep.
STEP 2 5 : Using a 7 / 3 2 " drill bit, drill countersink slots for the
screw heads.
S B -G M -B U R B /1 0 W 3
J L A U D IO , In c 2 0 0 1
P a g e
S h e e t S K U # 0 1 1 1 1 8 R e v is io n 5 /2 1 /0 1
STEP 2 6 : Using the supplied small screws, screw the front edge
of the console to the Stealthbox.
STEP 2 7 : Place the supplied shallow storage tray insert into the
main storage area of the finished Stealthbox. Use Velcro®
(provided) to attach coin box to storage tray.
STEP 2 8 : Snap the factory storage bin previously removed in
STEP 1 into the front portion of the Stealthbox.
TECH TIP: We have found that s tuffing polyfill under
thes e bins before ins tallation may reduce the chances of rattles at high volume levels .
STEP 2 9 : W hile one person adjusts the Stealthbox from inside the vehicle, a second person should bolt the
Stealthbox into place from underneath the vehicle. See diagram below:
Threaded Insert
Molded into
Enclosure Wall (fiberglass)
Flat Washer
Split Lock Washer
3/8" Bolt
Car's Sheet Metal
Bead of Silicone Sealant
Finis hed Ins tallation
Parts lis t:
Specifications :
• Enclosure type: Sealed
• One Stealthbox loaded with one
J L AUDIO 1 0 W 3 -D6 subwoofer
• Two 3 / 8 " X 1 1 / 2 " Bolts
• Two Flat Washers
• Power handling: 2 5 0 Watts Continuous
• Final Impedance: 3 Ω
• Two Lock Washers
• Two 4 " X 4 " Wax Squares
• 4 "L" Brackets
• 2 Plastic Spacers
• 8 Pan Head Screws
• 2 Small Screws
• 1 Storage Bin Insert
• 1 2 " strip of Velcro® hook tape
• 1 2 " strip of Velcro® loop tape
1 0 3 6 9 N. Commerce Pkwy, Miramar, Florida 3 3 0 2 5 -3 9 2 1 Voice: (9 5 4 ) 4 4 3 -1 1 0 0 Fax: (9 5 4 ) 4 4 3 -1 1 1 1
S B -G M -B U R B /1 0 W 3
J L A U D IO , In c 2 0 0 1
P a g e
S h e e t S K U # 0 1 1 1 1 8 R e v is io n 5 /2 1 /0 1
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