Network Setup 3.0
User Manual
2 Installing and Starting PageScope
Network Setup............................................. 2
2.1 Installing PageScope Network Setup........... 2
2.3.2 For Windows XP.................................... 3
3 Browsing Network Devices ........................ 4
3.1 Screen Configuration .................................... 4
3.2 Verifying Device Setup Status ...................... 8
3.3 Displaying the Device Alert Property........... 9
3.4 Displaying Device Output Tray
Information ................................................... 10
3.5 Configuring a Device with PageScope
Network Setup.............................................. 11
4.2 Configuring TCP/IP...................................... 14
4.3 NetWare Print Setup .................................... 16
4.3.1 Setting up the Print Server ................ 17
4.3.2 Selecting the Mode ............................. 18
4.3.3 Selecting the Print Queue .................. 20
4.3.4 Selecting Users for Event
Notification .......................................... 22
4.3.5 Verifying the Setup ............................. 23
5.1 TCP/IP Peer-to-peer Printing....................... 25
5.1.1 Configuring for TCP/IP Peer-to-peer
Printing ................................................ 25
Printing by Specifying the Device
5.2 IPX Peer-to-peer Printing............................. 28
5.2.1 Configuring IPX Peer-to-peer P
rinting................................................... 28
5.2.2 Configuring for IPX Peer-to-peer
Printing by Specifying the Device
Manually............................................... 30
5.3 After Creating the Peer-to-peer Port .......... 31
6 Option Setup ............................................. 33
6.2 Specifying the Search Range ..................... 34
6.3 Specifying BOOTP....................................... 36
6.4 Specifying Polling Settings......................... 38
6.5 Changing the Password .............................. 39
Appendix Glossary ....................................... 40
1 System Requirements
1 System Requirements
The following are the minimum system requirements for installing
PageScope Network Setup.
- Windows 95/98/Me
- Windows NT 4.0
- Windows 2000
- Windows XP
- Internet Explorer 4.0 or later
NetWare Client*(2)
- Novell NetWare Client 32 (latest version)
*(1)We recommend you to use the latest version service packs when using
Windows NT 4.0 or Windows 2000.
*(2)Although this utility can work without NetWare, it is required when you
set up NetWare.
*(3)The tools provided by this utility differ according to the type of protocol
supported on the user network environment.
2 Installing and Starting PageScope Network Setup
2 Installing and Starting PageScope
Network Setup
2.1 Installing PageScope Network Setup
Use the following procedure to install PageScope Network Setup.
1. Place the CD-ROM into your computer’s CD-ROM drive.
2. Start up the installation program. (setup.exe)
3. Follow the instructions that appear on your computer screen to
proceed with the installation.
The following is the default installation location used by the
C:\Program Files\KONICA MINOLTA\PageScope
Network Setup
The installer provides you with an opportunity to specify a
different location, if you want.
2.2 Starting PageScope Network Setup
In the case of Windows XP, click start → All Programs →
KONICA MINOLTA → PageScope Network Setup →
PageScope Network Setup.
2. When the Login Password dialog box appears, type in the
• The default password is “admin”.
• For details on changing the password, refer to “6.5 Changing the
• When you start up PageScope Network Setup, it searches for devices
on the network. The search procedure can take anywhere from a few
seconds to 20 or 30 seconds or more. Wait for the search procedure to
complete before trying to do anything else.
2 Installing and Starting PageScope Network Setup
2.3 Uninstalling PageScope Network Setup
2.3.1 For Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000
1. Click Start → Settings → Control Panel.
2. Double-click the Add/Remove Programs icon.
3. On the Add/Remove Programs Properties dialog box, select
KONICA MINOLTA PageScope Network Setup in the list of
programs, and then click the Add/Remove button.
In the case of Windows 2000, click Change or Remove
Programs, click KONICA MINOLTA PageScope Network
Setup, and then click the Change/Remove button.
4. Follow the instructions that appear on the screen to complete the
uninstall procedure.
2.3.2 For Windows XP
1. Click Start → Control Panel.
2. Double-click the Add or Remove Programs icon.
3. On the Add or Remove Programs dialog box, select KONICA
MINOLTA PageScope Network Setup in the list of programs,
and then click the Change/Remove button.
4. Follow the instructions that appear on the screen to complete the
uninstall procedure.
3 Browsing Network Devices
3 Browsing Network Devices
This section explains the contents of PageScope Network Setup
3.1 Screen Configuration
➀ Menu bar
Clicking on a menu pulls it down so you can access its commands.
➁ Toolbar (for the device list)
The toolbar provides one-click access to often-used PageScope
Network Setup operations.
If you cannot see the toolbar on the display, select Toolbars on the
View menu.
...Displays the properties of the device selected in the device list.
...Displays a dialog box for changing the settings of the device
selected in the device list.
...Displays alert information for the device selected in the device
3 Browsing Network Devices
...Displays output tray information for the device selected in the
device list.
...Quits PageScope Network Setup.
...Displays a dialog box for configuring peer-to-peer printing.
...Refreshes the device list.
...Displays on-line help.
➂ Device list
This list show devices detected on the network.
To change the width of the device list, drag the border between the
device list and browser display area.
3 Browsing Network Devices
This is the device icon and device name. The icon that appears
differs according to the protocol used for connecting the device.
...Device connected using TCP/IP
...Device connected using IPX
Devices connected using both TCP/IP and IPX will be displayed
with the TCP/IP icon.
The background color of the icon indicates the device status.
No color: Ready
Green: Printing
Yellow: Alert
The device status is updated every 30 seconds (default setting).
The interval can be changed with the polling settings.
See 6.4 Specifying Polling Settings for details on changing the
polling interval.
Device Name
IP Address
This is the IP address allocated to the device.
Device Model Name
This is the device model name.
• Select Device Search from the File menu to perform a new device
search and display the latest network information on the device list.
• See 6 Option Setup for details about configuring the device
search operation.
➃ Status bar
When you move the mouse pointer to a toolbar button, the status bar
displays an explanation of the button’s function.
3 Browsing Network Devices
If you cannot see the status bar on the display, select Statusbars on
the View menu.
➄ Browser display area
This area displays the built-in Web setup page for the device
selected in the device list.
➅ Toolbar (for the browser display area)
The toolbar contains buttons for performing various operations in
the browser display area.
...Returns to the previously displayed page.
...Advances to the next page after the pages have been scrolled
through using the
...Closes the Web setup page display.
...Refreshes the contents of the Web setup page.
...Displays the current Web setup page in the standard Web
browser installed on your system.
➆ URL field
This field displays the URL of the device selected in the device list.
3 Browsing Network Devices
3.2 Verifying Device Setup Status
Verify the current device setup status as follows.
1. On the device list, click on the icon for the device whose setup
status you want to verify.
2. Select Device Property on the File menu.
You could also click the toolbar
This displays the Properties dialog which shows the current setup
status for the device.
• Click a
• Click a
button on the tree to expand an item.
button on the tree to collapse an item.
The Properties dialog contains the following information.
Displays the settings for managing the device. See 4.1 Configuring
Device Information for details about changing this setup.
NetWare Printing
Displays the setup for device NetWare printing. See 4.3
NetWare Print Setup for details about changing this setup.
3 Browsing Network Devices
Displays the setup for device TCP/IP. See 4.2 Configuring TCP/
IP for details about changing this setup.
3. After you are finished, click the OK button to close the dialog box.
• You cannot verify the following attributes unless you have NetWare
Client 32 installed on your system and log in to the NetWare server.
- NetWare Service Queue
- NetWare Notify User
3.3 Displaying the Device Alert Property
Follow the procedure described below to display the alert information
for the device selected in the device list.
1. In the device list, click the icon of the device whose alert
information you want to display.
2. Select Device Alert Property on the File menu. You could also
click the toolbar
3 Browsing Network Devices
3.4 Displaying Device Output Tray Information
Follow the procedure described below to display output tray
information for the device selected in the device list.
1. In the device list, click the icon of the device whose output tray
information you want to display.
2. Select Device Output Tray Information on the File menu. You
could also click the toolbar
3 Browsing Network Devices
3.5 Configuring a Device with PageScope
Network Setup
This section describes the procedure for network printer setup with
PageScope Network Setup.
First check the following points relating to your network environment.
Check with your network administrator for details about the network
Use one of the following procedures to configure the device. The
procedure you should use depends on the network connection.
2. Setup the device TCP/IP connection. See 4.2 Configuring TCP/
For peer-to-peer printing with IPX connection:
1. Verify the device setup status. See 3.2 Verifying Device Setup
2. Setup peer-to-peer printing. See 5.2 IPX Peer-to-peer Printing.
For printing via a NetWare print server:
1. Verify the device setup status. See 3.2 Verifying Device Setup
2. Setup NetWare printing. See 4.3 NetWare Print Setup.
After setting up the printer, specify the port in the printer driver
properties, and execute the print command. For details about printing,
see your printer manual.
4 Changing the Device Setup
4 Changing the Device Setup
Use the Device Setup dialog to change a device setup.
The following are the settings that can be configured when changing a
device setup.
• Device Information
• NetWare Print
4.1 Configuring Device Information
Perform the following steps to configure device information.
1. On the device list, click the icon of the device whose information
you want to configure.
2. Select Device Setup on the Setup menu to display the Device
Setup dialog box.
You could also click the toolbar
3. Click the General tab.
4 Changing the Device Setup
You can configure and view the following items on the General
Device Model Name
This is the device model name. You cannot change the device
model name here.
Device Name
This is the device management name. You can type up to 16
characters into the text box to input a new name. However, if the
existing device management name exceeds 16 characters, you
can type up to 255 characters for a new name.
Device Description
This is a description of the device. You can type up to 16
characters into the text box to input a new description. However,
if an existing description of the device exceeds 16 characters,
you can type up to 255 characters for a new description.
4. After you are finished making the settings you want, click the OK
button. This displays the device properties with the changed
settings in blue.
5. If the settings are correct, click the OK button.
The community name input dialog box appears only if the SNMP
community name has been changed to something other than the default
name. Type in the community name and then click OK.
4 Changing the Device Setup
4.2 Configuring TCP/IP
Perform the following steps to configure TCP/IP.
1. On the device list, click the icon of the device you want to
2. Select Device Setup on the Setup menu to display the Device
Setup dialog box.
You could also click the toolbar
3. Click the TCP/IP tab.
You can configure the following items on the TCP/IP tab.
IP Address Setup
• Obtain an IP address automatically
If this option is selected, the IP address is acquired from either
the DHCP server or the BOOTP server.
Select to obtain the IP address from the
DHCP server.
Select to obtain the IP address from the
BOOTP server.
4 Changing the Device Setup
• Specify an IP address manually
When this option is selected, you can set the IP address
manually. Enter the following values.
- IP Address
Device IP address
- Subnet Mask
Subnet mask used with the network
- Default Gateway Default IP router address for the device
RAW Port Number
Enter the RAW port number used for peer-to-peer printing.
4. After making the settings you want, click the OK button. This
displays the device properties with the changed settings in blue.
5. If the settings are correct, click the OK button.
A message asking for confirmation to continue the setup appears.
6. Click the Yes button.
A message stating that it is necessary to reset may appear.
For equipment that can be reset, the following dialog appears.
7. If there are no problems with resetting now, click the Reset Now
• The community name input dialog box appears only if the SNMP
community name has been changed to something other than the default
name. Type in the community name and then click OK.
• If both DHCP and BOOTP are selected, DHCP is given priority.
4 Changing the Device Setup
4.3 NetWare Print Setup
• You must have NetWare Client 32 installed on your system in order to
setup for NetWare printing.
• NetWare supervisor privileges are required in order to change the
NetWare Print Setup. You must login to the NetWare network with
supervisor privileges in order to configure NetWare for printing.
• You must have IPX protocol installed on your device in order to
configure a NetWare print setup.
If you have already configured a NetWare print setup with another tool,
the existing configuration will be deleted when you complete this setting.
Perform the following steps to configure a device for NetWare printing.
Setup dialog box.
You could also click the toolbar
3. Click the NetWare Printing tab.
4. Perform the following steps.
• Set up the print server. See 4.3.1 Setting up the Print Server.
• Select the mode. See 4.3.2 Selecting the Mode.
• Set up the print queue. See 4.3.3 Selecting the Print Queue.
• Select users for event notification. See 4.3.4 Selecting Users for
Event Notification.
• Verify the setup. See 4.3.5 Verifying the Setup.
• Clicking the NetWare Printing tab downloads the device
configuration. Downloading can take anywhere from a few seconds to
20 or 30 seconds or more. Wait for the download procedure to
complete before trying to do anything else.
• The community name input dialog box appears only if the SNMP
community name has been changed to something other than the default
name. Type in the community name and then click OK.
4 Changing the Device Setup
4.3.1 Setting up the Print Server
Perform the following steps to set up the print server for NetWare
1. Type up to 26 characters into the Print Server Name box for the
print server name.
Normally, you should leave the following items set to their initial
defaults. Change these settings only when absolutely necessary for
some reason.
Print Queue Scan Rate
Type in the interval, in seconds, to specify how often the print
server should check the queue.
Ethernet Frame Type
Specify the Ethernet frame type.
2. After you are finished configuring the setup, click the Next button.
• To configure a NetWare print setup, the server must be bound to at least
one IPX frame.
4 Changing the Device Setup
4.3.2 Selecting the Mode
Use the procedures in this section to select the server you want to
configure as the print server, or the NDS context.
If you are using bindery service (NetWare 3.x):
1. Put a check mark into the NetWare 3.x Bindery Server check
2. Click the
button to display the Mode Select dialog box, which
shows a list of servers on the NetWare network.
3. Select the server you want to configure as the print server, and then
click the OK button.
4. When everything is the way you want, click the Next button.
If you are using NDS (NetWare 4.x or lator):
1. Put a check mark into the NetWare 4.x NDS Context check box.
2. Click the
button to display the Mode Select dialog box, which
shows a list of NDS trees on the NetWare network.
3. Select the NDS tree you want to setup as the print server, and then
click the OK button.
4 Changing the Device Setup
4. Click the
button to display the Mode Select dialog box, which
shows a list of NDS contexts for the tree you selected.
5. Select the NDS context to setup the print server, and then click the
OK button.
6. When everything is the way you want, click the Next button.
• If you are logged on to the NetWare network without supervisor
privileges, the NetWare login screen will appear after you finish
configuring the setup. If this happens, type in the supervisor login
name and password, and then click OK.
4 Changing the Device Setup
4.3.3 Selecting the Print Queue
Use one of the following procedures to select the print queue for the
print job.
To select an existing print queue:
1. Use the upper left box to select an NDS tree (in the case of NDS)
or a server (in the case of bindery service). This displays a list of
print queues for the selected NDS context (in the case of NDS) or
server (in the case of bindery service) in the list on the left.
2. In the list on the left, select the print queue you want to use, and
then click the Append button to add the print queue to the list on
the right.
3. To remove a print queue from the list on the right, select it and
then click the Delete button.
4. When everything is the way you want, click the Next button.
4 Changing the Device Setup
To create a new print queue:
1. Use the upper left box to select an NDS tree (in the case of NDS)
or a server (in the case of bindery service).
2. Click the Create New button to display the Add Queue dialog
3. Type up to 26 characters for the name you want to assign to the
new print queue into the Name box.
4. Use the Volume list to select a volume for the new print queue.
Note that you cannot change the volume for creating the new print
queue when using bindery service.
5. When using NDS only, type the NDS context name into the
Context box. Note that you cannot input a NDS context name
when using bindery service.
6. When everything is the way you want, click the OK button.
4 Changing the Device Setup
4.3.4 Selecting Users for Event Notification
Perform the following steps to select users for notification of events
occurring on the device.
1. Use the upper left box to select an NDS tree (in the case of NDS)
or a server (in the case of bindery service). This displays a list of
users for the selected NDS context (in the case of NDS) or server
(in the case of bindery service) in the list on the left.
2. In the list on the left, select a user to be notified and then click the
Append button to add the user to the list on the right.
3. To remove a user from the list on the right, select it and then click
the Delete button.
4. To notify the user who originated the print job of an event, put a
check mark into the box next to Notify owner of print job. Doing
so causes the PRINT JOB OWNER icon to appear in the list on the
5. When everything is the way you want, click the Next button.
4 Changing the Device Setup
4.3.5 Verifying the Setup
The NetWare setup details are displayed in the list.
• Click a
• Click a
button on the tree to expand an item.
button on the tree to collapse an item.
If you want to change something in the setup, click the Back button to
return to the setup screen, and then make the changes you want.
If the setup is the way you want, click the Setup button to proceed with
the setup.
A message asking for confirmation to continue the setup appears. Click
the Yes button.
4 Changing the Device Setup
A message stating that it is necessary to reset may appear.
If there are no problems with resetting now, click the Reset Now
5 Peer-to-peer Print Setup
Peer-to-peer printing refers to printing directly to a device on the
network, without going through the server. Use the P2P Setup dialog
box to configure peer-to-peer printing.
The information provided here shows setup procedures for the
following protocols.
• TCP/IP (See 5.1 TCP/IP Peer-to-peer Printing)
• IPX (See 5.2 IPX Peer-to-peer Printing)
• Peer-to-peer print setup is supported under Windows 95/98/Me only.
5.1 TCP/IP Peer-to-peer Printing
5.1.1 Configuring for TCP/IP Peer-to-peer Printing
Perform the following steps to configure for TCP/IP peer-to-peer printing.
1. Select P2P Setup on the Setup menu to display the P2P Setup
dialog box.
You could also click the toolbar
5 Peer-to-peer Print Setup
display a list of network devices for which ports can be created.
To refresh the information in the Device List, click the
under the list.
3. In the Device List, select the device you want to configure. If the
device you want to configure is not in the list, specify it manually.
See 5.1.2 Configuring for TCP/IP Peer-to-peer Printing by
4. Check the port number to be used for TCP/IP peer-to-peer printing
in the Port Number box. See 4.2 Configuring TCP/IP for details
about configuring a port number.
5. Click the Add Port button. Check the details of the setup in the
dialog box that appears.
6. If everything is the way you want, click the OK button.
7. When the Success dialog box appears, click OK.
The P2P Setup dialog box appears. See 5.3 After Creating the
Peer-to-peer Port.
• The device may need to be reset after creating the port. In that case, a
dialog asking if you want to reset the device immediately will appear.
5 Peer-to-peer Print Setup
5.1.2 Configuring for TCP/IP Peer-to-peer Printing by
Specifying the Device Manually
Perform the following steps to specify the device manually when
configuring for TCP/IP peer-to-peer printing. See 5.1.1 Configuring
for TCP/IP Peer-to-peer Printing for the procedure you should use
when the device you want to configure is included in the Device List
on the P2P Setup dialog box.
1. Select P2P Setup on the Setup menu to display the P2P Setup
dialog box.
2. Click the Manual P2P button to display the P2P Manual Setup
dialog box.
3. Under TCP/IP Connection, click the device specification method
you want to use to select it. The following methods are supported.
• Device Name (DNS name)
Specify the device using its host name.
• IP Address
Specify the device using its IP address.
• Hardware Address Specify the device using its network
interface hardware address.
4. Type the device destination into the text box that becomes enabled
to the right of the method you select.
5 Peer-to-peer Print Setup
5. Type the port number for TCP/IP peer-to-peer printing into the
Port Number box.
6. Click the Add Port button. Check the details of the setup in the
dialog box that appears.
7. If everything is the way you want, click the OK button.
8. When the Success dialog box appears, click OK.
The P2P Setup dialog box appears. See 5.3 After Creating the
Peer-to-peer Port.
5.2 IPX Peer-to-peer Printing
5.2.1 Configuring IPX Peer-to-peer Printing
Perform the following steps to configure for IPX peer-to-peer printing.
1. Select P2P Setup on the Setup menu to display the P2P Setup
dialog box.
You could also click the toolbar
5 Peer-to-peer Print Setup
2. Select the IPX Connection option under Device List to display a
list of network devices for which ports can be created.
To refresh the information in the Device List, click the
under the list.
device you want to configure is not in the list, specify it manually.
See 5.2.2 Configuring for IPX Peer-to-peer Printing by Specifying
the Device Manually.
4. Click the Add Port button. Check the details of the setup in the
dialog box that appears.
5. If everything is the way you want, click the OK button.
6. When the Success dialog box appears, click OK.
The P2P Setup dialog box appears. See 5.3 After Creating the
Peer-to-peer Port.
5 Peer-to-peer Print Setup
5.2.2 Configuring for IPX Peer-to-peer Printing by
Specifying the Device Manually
Perform the following steps to specify the device manually when
configuring for IPX peer-to-peer printing. See 5.2.1 Configuring IPX
Peer-to-peer Printing for the procedure you should use when the
device you want to configure is included in the Device List on the P2P
Setup dialog box.
1. Select P2P Setup on the Setup menu to display the P2P Setup
dialog box.
You could also click the toolbar
2. Click the Manual P2P button to display the P2P Manual Setup
dialog box.
3. Under IPX Connection, click the device specification method you
want to use to select it. The following methods are supported.
• Print Server Name Specify the device using its print server
name. (You could verify the Print Server
Name in NetWare setting. See 4.3.1 Setting
up the Print Server)
• Network Address Specify the device using its IPX address.
4. Type the device destination into the text box that becomes enabled
to the right of the method you select.
5 Peer-to-peer Print Setup
5. Click the Add Port button. Check the details of the setup in the
dialog box that appears.
6. If everything is the way you want, click the OK button.
7. When the Success dialog box appears, click OK.
The P2P Setup dialog box appears. See 5.3 After Creating the
Peer-to-peer Port.
5.3 After Creating the Peer-to-peer Port
You can use the dialog box below to associate the port you created with
a printer.
You can select the following items.
• Add new printer:
Select this option when you want to allocate a new printer to a
port you created in 5.1 or 5.2.
• Change the port of the existing printer:
Select this option when you want to change the port for an
existing printer to a port you created in 5.1 or 5.2.
5 Peer-to-peer Print Setup
To add a new printer:
Select Add new printer and then click the OK button.
This displays the Windows Add Printer Wizard screen. Follow the
instructions on the screen to add the new printer.
To change the port of an existing printer:
1. Select Change the port of the existing printer and then click the
OK button. This displays a list of printers.
2. Use the list to select the printer you want to allocate to the port,
and then click the OK button.
6 Option Setup
6 Option Setup
Use the Option dialog box to configure PageScope Network Setup
The following are the settings that can be configured when changing
the option setup.
• Protocol (See 6.1 Selecting a Protocol)
• Search Range (See 6.2 Specifying the Search Range)
• Navigation mode browser (See 6.3 Specifying BOOTP)
• BOOTP Setting (See 6.3 Specifying BOOTP)
6.1 Selecting a Protocol
Perform the steps below to select the protocol for use with PageScope
Network Setup. The functions available with PageScope Network
Setup depend on the protocol that is currently selected.
1. Select Option on the Setup menu to display the Option dialog box.
2. Click the Select Protocol tab.
6 Option Setup
3. Put a check mark into the box next to option you want to use under
Select Protocol. You must select at least one protocol, however
both can be selected.
Click the Return to standard setting button to return to the
protocol to the standard default.
4. Click the OK button.
5. On the confirmation dialog box that appears, click the OK button.
6.2 Specifying the Search Range
When using IP protocol, perform the steps below to specify the
network device search range. Note that you cannot specify the search
range when using IPX protocol.
1. Select Option on the Setup menu to display the Option dialog box.
2. Click the Specify Search Range tab.
3. A check mark is in the box next to the protocol that is currently
selected on the Select Protocol tab. See 6.1 Selecting a Protocol
for details about changing the protocol setting.
6 Option Setup
Specify IP discovery range:
Perform the steps below to specify the IP address range for the network
where the device is searched for. PageScope Network Setup searches
for devices on the broadcast address of the network specified here.
a. Type the IP address of the device you want to find into the IP
Address box.
b. Type the subnet mask used by the network into the Subnet Mask
c. Click the Append button.
d. The search range is set automatically in accordance with the
values you entered in the previous steps, and the resulting search
range appears in the Discovery Range box.
Add device manually:
A device that cannot be automatically searched for can be displayed in
the device list by entering its IP address.
a. Type the IP address of the device you want to display into the IP
Address box.
b. Click the Append button.
If the entered IP address is accessed and there is a response, that IP
address is added to the Add Device box.
To remove an address appearing in the Add Device box, select it,
and then click the Delete button.
4. If everything is the way you want, click the OK button.
5. On the confirmation dialog box that appears, click the OK button.
6 Option Setup
6.3 Specifying BOOTP
Perform the following steps to specify the settings for operation as a
BOOTP server.
1. Select Option on the Setup menu to display the Option dialog
2. Click the BOOTP Setting tab.
3. To operate as a BOOTP server, put a check mark beside Enable
BOOTP Server, and then specify the following BOOTP server
To specify an IP address range for assigning the BOOTP server:
1. Select the Using a range option.
2. Enter IP addresses into the Start and End boxes, and then click the
Append button.
The specified IP addresses are added to the Client List box.
To specify a single IP address for assigning the BOOTP server:
1. Select the Individually option.
2. Enter an IP address into the Single box, and then click the
Append button.
The specified IP address is added to the Client List box.
6 Option Setup
To assign a particular hardware address to an IP address in the
Client List box:
1. From the Client List box, select the IP address that will be
assigned the hardware address.
2. Click the Configure button.
A dialog box for setting the hardware address appears.
3. Enter the hardware address into the Hardware Address box.
4. Click the OK button.
The setting appears in the Client List box.
To remove the setting for the IP address with a hardware address
assigned, delete any values entered into the Hardware Address
box, and then click the OK button.
After specifying the BOOTP settings, click the OK button.
• After sending the IP addresses to a device, the
icon is displayed in
the Client List box. This mark means that the address was assigned
while the PageScope Network Setup is working.
6 Option Setup
6.4 Specifying Polling Settings
The function for monitoring the device status can be turned on or off,
and the interval for polling the devices can be specified.
• Polling
To monitor the device status, select Enable.
To quit monitoring the devices, select
• Polling Interval Type in the interval, in seconds, to specify
how often the devices should be polled.
6 Option Setup
6.5 Changing the Password
The password used to start up PageScope Network Setup can be
1. Type in the current password into the Password box.
2. Type the new password (maximum 16 characters) into the New
Password box.
3. Retype the new password into the Retype New Password box.
4. Click the OK button.
• The default password is “admin”.
Appendix Glossary
Appendix Glossary
Bindery service
A system used to manage network user information in a database for
each server. Mainly, used with NetWare 3.x and earlier.
A protocol used to automatically allocate TCP/IP parameters (eg. IP
address) to the client on the TCP/IP network from the server.
A protocol used to dynamically allocate IP addresses to the host.
Frame type
Packet data format used with Ethernet.
Hardware address
A unique hardware address assigned to the network interface of the
device connected to an Ethernet.
Host name
A character string representing the name of the host, which is allocated
to the IP address.
IP address
An address identifying the host at the data source and destination with
an IP connection.
IPX address
An address identifying the data source and destination nodes with the
IPX connection.
Appendix Glossary
A system for managing all network resources in a hierarchical database
at a single point. Mainly, used with NetWare 4.x and later.
Port number
A number used to identify application programs at the data source and
destination with the IP connection.
RAW port number
The number of the port at which the device receives data when print
data is sent directly to the device.
Subnet mask
A mask value used to delineate between the IP address network and
host addresses.
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